Thursday, October 15, 2009

Terrible week

Have you ever had a week when you just want to curl up into a ball and not leave until the week is over? Yeah, that was this week for me.

Monday-Classes went well. However, it rained so hard that my shoes and pants got completely soaked! So I went to the mall with my boyfriend and got a pair of sweatpants and new socks. I absolutely hate wearing wet clothing. It irritates me.

Tuesday- School was alright. Got a good grade on my math test. I get home, make lunch, boyfriend comes over. Right before we're about to head out to eat, I get a knock on the door. I open it, and the manager of the apartment complex is at my door about "rent." After a lot of miscommunication, we figured out that my roommate's check bounced. She now owes almost $300 more than rent usually is, and we are facing eviction.UGH.

Wednesday- Got an 85% on a test in history that I thought was ridiculously easy. Very disappointed. Boyfriend is angry about a class and I feel helpless. He starts feeling very sick, and I tell him to just go home.

Thursday- I woke up kind of depressed and tried to convince myself before I got out of bed that it will be a good day. I called my boyfriend and he told me that he has a fever of 102 and isn't going to be able to come to school or complete the plans we had for today. Upset, I realize that I have to work, and that because he is sick, his mom probably won't let me see him until Monday. Fantastic.

I just want this week to be over already.

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